Monday, October 9, 2023 @

Volume 5 Chapter 7 Uraten Matsuri

Volume 5 Chapter 7 Uraten Matsuri

 "Uraten Matsuri (The Reverse Heaven Festival)" is another cultural festival that takes place behind the scenes of the Seijo University's cultural festival, the "Souten Festival."

 While the Souten Festival is a lively and festive event with open booths and cheers, the Uraten Matsuri is a niche and greedy festival with a motley and dirty atmosphere.

 It is a strange Sabbath where unruly people gather, sneaking past the eyes of the cultural festival executive committee.

 For example, there is the "Melty Market" that holds the "Melty Floor." As the name suggests, it is a suspicious shop, and in reality, it is a cabaret run by active female college students. Whether it is called "Melty" because it is so pleasant that it melts hearts or because money melts away, it is uncertain, but either way, it is not decent.

 For these women who stake their lives on brand-name items, it is an important source of income. The amount of money that moves during these three days easily exceeds hundreds of thousands of yen, whether it is true or not.

 Since all the customers who come in are from the same university and there are people watching, even women who would never consider working at a cabaret can serve customers with a light-hearted attitude.

 On normal days, they would say, "Oh, I don't go to maid cafes," but on the day of the cultural festival, they accept maid cafes with the same reasoning.

 The festive atmosphere drives people crazy. After the night's dreams fade away, all that remains is an empty wallet.

 For example, there is the "Manga Research Club." It is an official circle that also participates in the Souten Festival. Like the Literature Club, they publish a club magazine. Basically, their activities in the Uraten Matsuri are the same, publishing their club magazine. However, that club magazine is undoubtedly a maniacal publication that ignores all restrictions and censorship. Those who read it say that they fall into a sense of immorality and can never go back. To put it bluntly, it is erotic doujinshi. When you regain your sanity, it becomes a cursed book that you would be ashamed to own. It's still not decent.

 For example, there is the izakaya gathering organized by the "Rakugo Research Club."

 This place is not doing anything special within the Uraten Matsuri; it is just a resting place. However, since the club president has a close relationship with the cultural festival executive committee, this place becomes a lawless zone where anything is allowed.

 It is said that everything from legal to illegal activities is openly and secretly exchanged there. The rakugo stories told there are fresh gossip from the cultural festival and undoubtedly a gathering place for indecent people.

 There are various other events taking place, but these three are the main ones.

 Now, Matsuda emphasized, holding a cola in his hand,

 "It is because of these events that the Uraten Matsuri exists."

 "I seriously didn't know. Is our school really doing such incomprehensible things? Well, I guess there are some things that make your heart excited when you hear about them."

 "But, what does this have to do with the current situation, Matsuda?"

 "Because Takayama used to be a member of the cultural festival executive committee. Maybe he wanted to consult with the members of Melty Market?"

 "However, if it's found out by the executive committee, isn't it really dangerous?"

 "That's right, I have the impression that everyone who participates in the cultural festival at our school is serious and responsible. So, it's dangerous if they get caught."

 Upon hearing crew cut's and my opinion, Souji reacted.

 "What happens if they get caught?"

 "Well, who knows? Maybe a three-hour lecture from the executive committee chairman, three days of administrative work, or a three-act performance at the cultural festival appreciation party. I've heard rumors about these things."

 "They all sound quite tough..."

 By the way, is there any reason why everything is related to the number three? What's this "Sanpatsu Gei" thing? I don't think there would be such a punishment at a welcome party for new employees in hell.

 While we were engrossed in our conversation, we didn't notice that someone was approaching right next to us.

 "Hey, what are you guys doing here?"

 "Oh, Takayama."

 Takayama, also known as the stylish bearded guy, was standing there with a bewildered expression. It seems that the woman had already left, and the waiter had started cleaning up the original table.

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