Friday, November 24, 2023 @


Chapter 3 The Disappointing Hero Provokes on Social Media

 First, let's gather some information.

 Sato-kun, a 50-year-old virgin living in his parents' basement. I wonder what kind of social media life he leads.

 Although I confirmed his "crimes," I decide to check again what kind of replies he usually sends.

 The first thing that caught my eye was a reply to a certain illustration.

 It seemed to be from a beginner, with a naive feel to the artwork.

 [I tried drawing my favorite character!]

 Mixed in with replies like "cute" and "I like it," there was a reply from Kunimitsu-kun.

 [You're so obsessed with drawing, but you have no talent. Why don't you stop?]

 As expected, it seems like he's always up to these kinds of things.

 Next, he became interested in a reply to a popular pun response.

 "If you find this funny, then everyone's standards are too low. You guys just compliment each other."

 I see.

 Seems like he enjoys nitpicking and provoking others with sarcastic replies.

 It's that kind of thing, isn't it? Instead of replying, you check for likes. You give likes to statements made by cosplayers and gravure idols while sending replies like 'Be more daring!'

 But when you realize they don't pay attention to you, you make comments like 'Don't get cocky, you ugly.'

 "This calls for punishment."

 I thought, trying to suppress my laughter. No, that's not right. I bit my lip and forced myself to smile.

 Yes, this is not a personal grudge. It's a noble mission to defeat the annoying account and bring peace to social media! It's truly an act of a hero! For the sake of Melina-san, I must do my best here!

 Now, I replied to the virgin-baiting comment earlier.

 "It's not good to provoke others, Kunimitsu-kun~♪"

 Now, let the mission begin. I wonder how Kunimitsu-kun will react to my reply? After waiting for a while, I received a reply from Kunimitsu-kun, also known as Gentle Manta.

 [Huh? Why all of a sudden? Giving people weird nicknames... Did you go crazy from being teased?]

 Hahaha! Acting tough, huh? Even though deep down, you're feeling nervous. Hahaha! Oh my goodness, this is so much fun! Information disclosure is the best!

 ...Oops, wait, that's not good. I must remember that this is all about maintaining the security of social media, acting as a hero. I shouldn't enjoy it. I'm here to bring solace to those who have had unpleasant experiences because of this. I need to carry out my duties calmly and impartially.

 Now, onto the next move.

 [Oh, sorry, didn't you like it? Then, which one is better, Kunimitsu-kun or Satokuni?]

 Yes, Sato Kunimitsu. Let's shorten it to Satokuni.

 Hahaha, with this, I can show off that "I know your full name."

 Alright, bring it on, Kunimitsu-kun!

 [Wait, what are you talking about? Is your head okay?]

 This guy is persistent, huh? But that's how it should be!

 Shall I tell a thing that can't be dismissed as a mere coincidence? Um, about the address... Alright, how about this?

 "Oh, can I go to your apartment complex now? It's room 302, right?"

 Without revealing the specific address, I deliberately specified the room number! How does that sound? Now, what will you do, Kunimitsu-kun? Please reply!

 However, contrary to my expectations, I didn't receive a response from Gentle Manta.

 Quite teasing, isn't it? After a while... instead of a reply, I received a DM that others can't see.

 [Um, excuse me, but who is this? Do we know each other?]

 Hahaha! Suddenly feeling timid, huh? It seems like the public nature of the reply exchange is scary!

 Even in the conversation with Melina-san, he used to resort to DMs when things got heated, right?

 Being an ordinary person with no real-life connection, he prioritize his pride even though it's just an internet account.

 Well, precisely because it's the internet, he can't show his true vulnerability. It's a typical case of a net warrior who misunderstands that apologizing is a sign of weakness!

 So whether it's apologizing or causing trouble in a disadvantageous situation, always do it secretly!

 But too bad! I won't go along with what you want to do!

 You provoked me by saying 'your face is all red,' right? Because of that, right after I finally defeated the Demon Lord after a year, I was put in a bad mood!

 And because of you, Melina-san can't draw anymore, and I can't see those wonderful illustrations that perfectly match my preferences.

 You'll receive plenty of retribution for that!

 ...Just kidding. I don't want to do it, but people who constantly spread discomfort to others should be regulated, don't you think?

 The righteous cause is within me! Justice shall prevail! Behold, Kunimitsu, this is how I fight!

 I quickly took a screenshot of the DM and replied to the previous comment, attaching the image I just took.

 [Oh? Why did you suddenly send a DM in polite language? Are you scared? And asking if we know each other, with the correct name and Room 302... What's the deal?]

 Well, if it wasn't like that, he wouldn't send such a DM!

 But judging people based on this exchange, huh? The replies to this were pretty quick.

 [What? Scared or something? Why are you exposing DMs without permission? Also, it's not even true, so stop daydreaming.]

 Then why did you DM in the first place! You know, being scared is what you are right now, idiot! I retort in my mind, but the actual reply was different.


 Is it just me, or

 Did Kunimitsu-kun's face turn red after exposing the DM?]


 I return the words said by the other party, 'face turned red,' as they are!

 It feeeeels gooood!

 Oops, no, that's bad.

 As the Demon Lord said at the moment of death, one must not be engulfed by power.

 Restraint, restraint.

 This is just, just!

 A noble act done to defeat those who enjoy taunting others.

 —While thinking this, I input Kunimitsu-kun's address into the PC's search bar and open Google Maps.

 Observing the housing complex where Kunimitsu-kun lives on Street View, there was a considerably aged park in front of the complex.

 Hehehe... I wonder if Kunimitsu-kun, who was pure and innocent during his childhood, spent hopeful days with his parents in this park, among other imaginative thoughts.

 Back then, no one could have imagined that Kunimitsu-kun would remain single and become a child-like middle-aged man who finds joy in provoking others on social media. It's so sad! Life is.

 While pondering the current situation, I also thought about the current situation. That's the thrill of disclosing personal information in online forums. Ahahaha!

 While excitedly observing the surrounding map, I also thought about the current situation.

 If this person is intelligent, he wouldn't dare to confront me any further.

 It seems that the other person knows about themselves unilaterally. If he has at least minimal intelligence, he would realize that there is no chance of winning.

 He can't just ignore it anymore or block me while saying "it's all in my head." And he can only spend my time feeling frustrated about losing in this flame war.

 But this guy can't do that.

 And in my opinion, Kunimitsu-kun is undoubtedly one of those people who can't.

 He's just too proud and can't take back his words.

 People like him end up pushing forward without realizing that they're bound by their own words.

 Even if he withdraws here, well, worst case scenario, I can visit his home on the next day off, right?

 As I was thinking such things...


 Huh? My skill level went up again?

 (Skill: [Teleport] has evolved to [Teleport [Google Map accessible]] to fit this world)


 Just by the name, I can tell this is going to be useful!

 Until now, the "Teleport" skill could only take me to places I've been to before.

 But with this, I can probably go to places that can be seen on "Google Maps," right?

 Then, practically speaking, I can go almost anywhere in the world!

 So, let's go to Johannesburg. Seriously, I can actually go there.

 Isn't it like that?

 Wow! The food in another world is terrible, and I've struggled and almost died multiple times, but I'm glad I worked hard!

 My skills are the best!

 As I was thinking that, I received a reply from Kunimitsu-kun.

 [Huh? You're the one blushing, right? And then you're spouting incomprehensible delusions, aren't you an idiot?]

 As I thought.

 He's the type who can't stop.

 For the sake of some honor or whatever of his internet account, he can't back down when he should.

 How pitiful.

 Thanks to the evolution of my teleport skill, I don't even have to wait for the next break anymore.

 I replied to Kunimitsu-kun, saying,

 [Is it a delusion? Then, shall I go to Room 302 right now to show you whether my face is really red or not?]

Hello, we have a new project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

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