Tuesday, May 21, 2024 @

Volume 2 Chapter 42 Surprise Attack! Wyvern

Volume 2 Chapter 42 Surprise Attack! Wyvern

 We used my magic to lift the earth dragon for transportation and when we met up with the support team, all three of them had puzzled expressions.

 "Um, Wade-kun... Did you defeat the earth dragon for the wyvern's food?"

 "Yeah. I never expected to meet it here."

 "I see... Well, it's fine. No problem at all. Well, maybe a little... But... I just confirmed Wade-kun's exceptional nature again."

 "Oh no, oh no, oh no. I thought you were just going to catch some small fry for the wyvern's food, but you went and defeated other dragons. That's too crazy. Wade, I love you."

 Being embraced by Sandra, who had heart-shaped eyes without changing her expression, I realized that I had done something really stupid when I thought about it calmly.

 What kind of nonsense is it to hunt dragons for other dragon food? It's like buying a Thai fish to lure a Thai fish. It makes no sense.

 "Well... it was surprising. I thought we were just planning to escape when we encountered them, but then Wade were thinking about evacuating me and planning how to attack."

 Toxy, with a strained smile, said so.

 "Sorry about that, Toxy."

 "Well, there's nothing we can do about what's already done, and since no one got hurt, it's all good."

 Toxy then gave her approval, ignoring my bow, and continued,

 "So, share this with the three members of the support team. I injected a lot of paralysis poison into the earth dragon meat, so if they eat it, they'll definitely be paralyzed and unable to move."

 "That's a relief. The food procurement team did an outstanding job. As the wyvern support team, we're confirming the wyvern's nest on top of this cliff. One wyvern has left, while the other is inside the nest."

 As Clay shared information, I pondered with my hand on my chin,

 "In that case, it seems like a good idea to place the earth dragon's carcass in an open area. If the wyverns passes by, they'll likely find it and eat it."

 "Okay. Let's go with the scenario of being crushed to death by falling rocks. I have a earth magic that can create large rocks, so the wyvern should eat it without suspicion."

 "Got it, let's go with that."

 "Wade-kun, um, over there, there was an open place?"

 "Thanks, Ice. Then please guide me."


 Guided by Ice, I transported the carcass of an earth dragon and placed it in a sunny spot near the cliff with trees cleared.

 There, Clay dropped a large rock using "Create Rock." This made it look like the earth dragon had died by being crushed by falling rocks.

 "Now we just have to wait for the wyvern to find it and eat it. Endure the time."

 Sandra, who was still clinging to me and rubbing her face against mine, said so.

 "That's right. ...But shouldn't you let go soon, Sandra?"

 "Hah. I was losing my mind over how wonderful you were. While I'm at it, I'll continue until the wyvern arrives."

 "No, you can't..."

 "Hmm, Sandra is clinging a bit too much, so let's separate."

 "Such a killer~"

 Pulled away by Ice and Toxy, Sandra is dragged along.

 Clay approached me and whispered softly in my ear.

 "I never thought you'd be able to build a harem without relying on power or money. Well done, Wade-kun."

 "...Clay, I'm already scared of the chaos, what do you think I should do about this?"

 "Why not just welcome them all? You'll need to earn more, but there are few countries that prohibit polygamy. Though it's allowed in this country."


 As I asked with a pale face, Clay, with his usual enigmatic smile, replied, "You should stop being scared."

 "By the way, isn't it uncomfortable for you, Clay? Am I the only one getting... those looks?"

 "Huh? What looks? Where?"

 "That's rude to the three of them!"

 Don't say that with a straight face! They're all cute, right?

 When I said this in a half-irritated tone, Clay vaguely brushed it off with, "Oh well, it's fine."

 "There's a good guy in my circle, and I've never felt alienated. I'll say it again, the one I fell for is you, Wade-kun. You're the only one I'm betting on. So, feel free to pursue your romantic interests without worrying about me."

 "...If you say so, that's fine."

 When I said that, Clay smiled meaningfully. This guy...

 "By the way, Clay, do you have someone special?"

 "It's a long-distance relationship. ...Can you keep it a secret from others?"

 "Got it. I won't say anything."

 "I can trust your promises."

 Clay and I share a light laugh. The three girls return.

 Anyway, we move to standby until the Wyvern arrives.

 The Wyvern appears at dusk.

 It's holding a cow in its mouth. That means it has come quite close to the city walls. It must have caused quite a commotion.

 When the wyvern spotted the earth dragon we had prepared, it accidentally dropped the cow from its mouth. We whispered to each other, 'Evacuate, evacuate!' without paying much attention.

 The wyvern seemed very hungry as it immediately started devouring the ground dragon. We watched the situation unfold.

 "(This is Plan 2)"

 I said, and everyone nodded in agreement. It didn't seem feasible to follow the easiest scenario of just defeating the wyvern with poison, as in Plan 1.

 So, we moved to a further position where we could see the female wyvern guarding the nest.

 I readied my sword.

 "Alright, everyone, I'll need your support."


 Everyone took a deep breath. I aimed the tip of my sword towards the wyvern at the nest and chanted,

 "Object Point Shift."

 The tip of the iron lump sword is pointing towards the wyvern. But I still don't let go. The weight of the iron lump sword is also in the middle of [Weight Reduce]. Still, it's pointing somewhat towards the tip.

 At that moment, Clay and Toxy stand by my side.

 "...a little higher."

 Toxy, who increased her concentration with rune magic, gives me instructions.

 "Like this?"

 "Yeah. And then, just a little to the right... Perfect."


 Next, Clay assists me.

 "Create Rock."

 In response to Clay's spell, a fluffy rock swells up and fixes the hand holding my sword. Now, I no longer need my arm strength. Since I don't need it anymore, I quickly switch from [Weight Reduce] to [Weight Increase].

 A slight crack appears in Clay's rock, but that's it. It doesn't just fly off on its own.

 After confirming that, we move away from that spot. Sandra approaches the sword instead.

 "Electric Storage"

 Sandra's electricity flows and accumulates on the blade of the iron lump sword without being released. We gulp nervously. It was supposed to be an impromptu creation, but it's turning into a brutal weapon of destruction.

 Finally, Ice approaches me and entrusts me with three snowmen. I put them inside my adventurer's pouch.

 Clay, who had gone to check on the earth dragon, returns to us. He raises his hand high. It seems the male wyvern is starting to feel numb from the poison. I nod and activate [Weight Increase] even further. Full power.

 "Not yet."

 Toxy says. Clay, who has returned, nods.

 "Not yet... just a little more ―――now!"


 Clay's rock shatters. And the arrow of the iron lump sword is released.

 "Point Shift!"

 I fix the coordinates with the iron lump sword and fly off together.

 It was incredibly fast. I was pulled along by the iron lump sword moving faster than I could fall, accelerating more and more.

 The ground was far below. The trees of the forest quickly passed beneath my feet.

 The female wyvern turned towards me with a sound of cutting wind, "Huh...?" But it was already too late.

 The wyvern is already as good as dead.



 I shouted loudly. Now, I'll quickly kill this thing!

 The iron lump sword that pierced the wyvern continued through, destroying its left arm and wing. The wyvern seemed to have absorbed the electricity stored there, convulsing.

 At that moment, I released the [Point Shift] on the ironclad sword and let the sword fly with momentum. As I was pulled towards the wyvern flying overhead, I released an Ice snowman.

 "Ice, I need your support."


 The snowman clings to various parts of the wyvern's body. At the same time, I finally catch up to the iron lump sword and grab its hilt.

 "Alright, let's go!"

 From here on, it's a beatdown.

 "Point Shift!"

 While holding the iron lump sword, I change the point of gravity on myself to the wyvern. The trajectory of flying through the air changes in an arc, and I am pulled towards the wyvern like a yo-yo starting from it.



 One of the Ice's snowmen freezes the wyvern's legs. I am pulled towards it.


 The wyvern's legs shatter into pieces. Perhaps the numbness wore off, as the wyvern screams, "GGGRRROOAARR!"

 "Not done yet!"

 I draw an elliptical trajectory like a comet and attack the wyvern again. The wyvern realizes and tries to counterattack me, but it's futile. That's the purpose of the Ice snowman.



 With another flash, I swung the iron lump sword into its another frozen arm, scattering it with a single strike.


 "Now, it's the end, Lizard!"

 I swung the iron lump sword, using the kinetic energy generated by [Weight Reduce] followed by [Weight Increase], propelling me higher into the air. With a full [Weight Increase], I raised the sword overhead.

 I laughed.

 "Goodbye, Wyvern. Hunting you was fun."

 With the Wyvern's body froze with Ice magic, my iron lump sword shattered it.

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