Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @


Chapter 46 Yanashima Gouki's Investigation

 Looking back, it was in February. The moment Yanashima Gouki saw Higashimura Tadayuki after a month, he felt a strong sense of discomfort. He seemed like a completely different person.

 Not only was his body more toned, but above all, there was no flaw in his posture. It was hard to believe that one month of training could result in such a physique. In all of Yanashima Gouki's long history of practicing kendo, he had never encountered someone with this level of atmosphere.

 Due to the overwhelming discomfort, when they faced each other, Yanashima Gouki unconsciously swung his bamboo sword down.

 He seemed simply astonished by the sudden turn of events. Suddenly having a bamboo sword swung down at him, he appeared confused—or so it seemed.

 Although the unease lingered, he thought it might be overthinking.

 But then, the biggest discomfort lies in the venue where he and his daughter discuss their divorce.

 He had been playing a gentle and amiable role until then, but he took off that mask.

 "Hey, Yanashima Gouki... it's about time you changed your ways."

 The moment he uttered those words in a low voice, it felt like a chill ran down his spine. Due to his profession as a police officer, he had encountered many criminals. His instincts were telling him.

 The man in front of him was a first-class criminal—no, he could be considered even more than that. Yet, he hesitated when it came to the amount of money.

 As he declared the end of negotiations, tidied up the documents, and started to leave, it struck him. If he were to leave like this, an unimaginable misfortune would befall the Yanashima family. He sensed that intuitively.

 Perhaps, this was his version of "mercy." If he follows his instructions, he won't do anything more. However, if he refuses, there will be no mercy.

 That was the determination he felt.

 In the end, he accepted all of his arguments, and the conversation concluded. Afterward, there was a proposal from the Yoshino family. It was about a lump sum payment of child support from Takashi Kato to Kanae for the child that would be born in the future. Taking into account the gift tax, a considerable amount was offered.

 On another note, Yoshino Misa caused a commotion at the wedding, and some money was paid as compensation under the pretext of that. As a result, the financial burden for the Yanashima family did not amount to much.

 Also, the sincerity he showed—'accepting all his arguments'—made it feel like a 'gift' from him, in the form of compensation.

 Using his days off, Yanashima Gouki visited Tokyo several times and finally sensed something strange about Higashimura Tadayuki, grasping the 'decisive evidence.'

 It was the reputation of people who knew him in Tokyo, such as colleagues. They unanimously said,

 'Higashimura Tadayuki has recently lost weight.'

 Yes, it seems he has successfully dieted and lost weight recently. The evaluations of his appearance at the time of February matched what Yanashima Gouki knew about him.

 In other words, Higashimura Tadayuki was using his appearance differently in Tokyo and Yamaguchi.

 For what purpose?

 Perhaps he learned of his daughter and Takashi Kato's betrayal in some way.

 And for revenge, he likely decided to thoroughly retaliate by enhancing his appearance, redirecting Kanae's feelings toward himself, and using the fact of marriage...

 In other words, the fact is that "Kanae and Takashi Kato were cornered by his marriage fraud" is the point of this incident.

 And his daughter, due to impending childbirth, was overlooked to some extent, while thorough retaliation was carried out against Takashi Kato.

 If he looks at the aftermath of what Takashi Kato went through, it's clear.

 Therefore, Takashi Kato can no longer be involved with the Yanashima family.

 And, after investigating this far, Yanashima Gouki thought.

 Investigating him any further would be beyond his capabilities.

 The next steps should be left to the "experts."



 Four years ago, someone from the Metropolitan Police Department asked him, "Can you give her some practice?"

 The other party was a woman in her twenties with no knowledge of kendo whatsoever.

 一And he was sidedly defeated. She treated Gouki like a child based on physical ability alone.

 "Thank you, Yanashima-san."

 As her boss thanked him, Yanashima asked.

 "Who is she...? Honestly, those movements... Is it really possible for a human?"

 "No, so please keep it confidential when it comes to her."

 "Got it."

 "Director Shibuya, what are you whispering about?"

 "Nada-kun, stop your rude attitude. First, thank Yanashima-san."

 "Oh, Yanashima-san, thank you!"

 Yanashima, bewildered by her bowing, said,

 "No, it seems I didn't help much."

 "No no no! When it comes to technical aspects, there's not a single thing where you're not superior, Yanashima-san! Oh, by the way, if you happen to see someone like me in the future, please contact me!"

 "Someone like... a person like you?"

 “Yes, in short... it's someone a bit odd. We call it 'Thomas.'”

 Shibuya, the director, groaned at her words.

 “Hey, don't just... and in 'code words' too.”

 “Oh, oops, my bad.”

 “Ugh... well, never mind. Yanashima-san, in case... probably there won't be such an opportunity, I think.”


 “Still, if, from your perspective, you find someone 'abnormal' like her, please contact our department. The way to refer to such individuals, the official term is—”



 He called the contact he had heard from four years ago. The call was picked up almost immediately.

 “Yanashima-san, long time no see! It's Nada. How have you been?”

 “Well, there's something I need to tell you.”

 “What is it?”

 He felt a sense of hesitation. Would he be seen as engaging in 'opposing behavior' by reporting this? But in the end, he prioritized his sense of duty as a police officer.

 “My daughter's ex-husband, Higashimura Tadayuki, is probably a... 'returnee.'”

Hello, we have a new project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

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