Thursday, January 11, 2024 @

Volume 1 Chapter 46 I Wonder If Namiki-san And Nakagaito Became Friends Because I Used The Luncheon Technique

Volume 1 Chapter 46 I Wonder If Namiki-San And Nakagaito Became Friends Because I Used The Luncheon Technique

 Now, it's sudden, but I have to shoot a promotional video for YouTube tomorrow and stream it.

 So, I thought I might as well use this opportunity to bring Namiki-san and Nakagaito closer.

 To avoid any awkwardness, let's also invite Yayoi-chan, who knows Nakagaito.

 First, send a message to Nakagaito.

 "Are you free tomorrow morning, Nakagaito?"

 [Yeah, I'm good.]

 [Then, can you come to Patisserie Andou Trois in front of the station at 10 am tomorrow?]

 [Got it. Are you treating me to sweets?]

 [Yeah, it's on me.]

 [Yay! Looking forward to it.]

 [Well then, see you tomorrow.]


 Next is Namiki-san.

 [Good evening, Namiki-san.]

 [Hi, Hata-kun. How are you tonight?]

 [I'm sorry for the suddenness, but do you have time tomorrow morning?]

 [Sure, I'm free.]

 [If it's okay with you, I'd like to treat you. Can you come to Patisserie Andou Trois in front of the station at 10 am tomorrow?]

 [A patisserie?]

 [Yeah, just to get used to being in a group and chatting with other girls in the eat-in area.]

 [Ah, I see. Thank you. So, it's at Patisserie Andou Trois at 10 am tomorrow, right?]

 [Yeah, that's right. See you then.]


 Finally, Yayoi-chan.

 [Are you okay right now?]

 [Yeah, I'm good.]

 [As a thank you for helping me choose shoes last time, want to have some sweets at the patisserie?]

 [Sweets, huh? Will I gain weight if I eat them?]

 [A little won't hurt. Don't worry too much.]

 [True. Okay, I'm in.]

 [Great. Then, let's meet at Patisserie Andou Trois in front of the station at 10 am tomorrow.]

 [Alright, see you there.]

 Okay, it's great that everyone seems prepared for this.



 So, the next day.

 I packed all the things we need for the video shoot in my bag and went to the Patisserie.

 "Good morning."

 Ikurumi-san is early again today.

 And Kashiyama-san and Shibata-san are also here.

 "Good morning, Kashiyama-san. I'm relying on you today."

 "Yeah, I'll take care of it."

 "Shibata-san, are you going to help with the video shoot?"

 "Yes, of course. And before I start working, I want to know what the other staff members are doing too."

 Then, Nakagaito arrived before 10 o'clock.

 Just like when we went to watch a movie together, she's dressed nicely and looks fashionable.

 "Good morning, Nakagaito. Oh, is that the choker necklace I bought?"

 "Yeah, that's right. I wanted to try wearing it since you got it for me, but it was hard to match with my clothes."

 Although Nakagaito says so, she doesn't seem to be in a bad mood.

 "Oh, I understand. It's not good if the accessories do not match the clothes, my mistake. But it looks good on you, and you look cute, you know?"

 As I said that, Nakagaito became a little embarrassed and then smiled cheerfully.

 "I-Is that so? Hehe."

 Then, Namiki-san and Yayoi-chan also arrived.

 "Namiki-san, Yayoi-chan, good morning."

 I said that, and Namiki-san politely bowed in response.

 "Yes, good morning."

 Yayoi-chan then raised her hand a bit.

 "Good morning! Aa-kun, I didn't know that so many girls were coming. What's going on?"

 Nakagaito joined in, overlapping with Yayoi-chan.

 "That's right, that's right."

 "Oh, um, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But, there's no mistake that I'm treating everyone, so let's go to the eat-in space first!"

 The three people I invited looked at each other and nodded before entering the store. I showed them to a place for eating and they sat down.

 Namiki-san and Nakagaito sat next to each other, facing Yayoi-chan.

 Humans have more space in front of them and less space on the sides and back.

 So, it's easier for people sitting next to each other to feel comfortable compared to the person in front. That's why it's better to seat those who want to become closer next to each other.

 "Okay then, can I choose the menu for you?"

 Since all three of them nodded, I decided to go with some different cakes this time. I picked Delice Pistache and Chocolat Chiboust, and brought tea to the table.

 "We're sorry for the wait. Here are our special creations, Delice Pistache and Chocolat Chiboust."

 I said that, and Namiki-san tilted her head and asked,

 "What kind of cake is Delice Pistache and Chocolat Chiboust?"

 "Delice Pistache is a cake with pistachio Bavarian cream, vanilla mousse, and berry jelly with a hint of sourness. Chocolat Chiboust is a cake made with custard cream, gelatin, Italian meringue, and a mixture of chocolate and cream."

 "That food looks really good."

 "Please feel free to take some for yourselves, everyone."

 When I said that, Namiki-san smiled and nodded.

 "You can indulge yourself."

 Nakagaito also nodded and said.

 And Yayoi-chan...

 "Hey, Aa-kun. If I eat two pieces of cake, will I gain weight?"

 "I think it's okay once in a while, but if you're worried, why not try having a small piece of both? I'll eat the rest."

 "Oh, yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

 And so, the three of them started chatting while enjoying their cake.

 By the way, the technique of creating a good impression by eating together is called the Luncheon Technique.

 When people have food in their mouths, they focus on the taste and their thoughts revolve around the meal, making it easier to engage in conversation with the other person.

 Moreover, when you eat something sweet and delicious, brain hormones like "dopamine," "endorphins," "norepinephrine," and "serotonin" are released, making you feel relaxed and creating a sense of pleasure.

 When people feel happy, they usually connect that happiness with the person they were with and the topic they were talking about. This makes it easier for them to like the people and enjoy the conversation, especially if they are having it while eating something sweet and delicious. However, it's important to remember that eating too many sweet things can lead to addiction because of the high sugar content. So, it's necessary to moderate and not overindulge in them.

 Thanks to my friendly behavior, it seems like Namiki-san and Nakagaito have become good friends.

 Now, let's discuss making a video to promote the restaurant.

 Firstly, it's important to keep the video short, around 2 minutes in total, with the most important part being the first 5 seconds.

 For a restaurant, it's crucial to show the interior atmosphere and the friendly behavior of the staff.

 It's also important to clearly identify the type of customers you want to attract.

 Don't forget to give information about the location of the restaurant.

 Including the address and a simple map with directions from the nearest station can significantly increase the number of actual visitors.

 It is important to clearly explain what makes this store different from other stores.

 So, now, we start by saying that everything in our store is made by hand. We show videos of the store's entrance and interior. We also include interviews with the store staff, like Ikurumi-san, to show their passion.

 We ask three people eating in the store if we can film them enjoying the 230 yen cut roll cake while having a conversation.

 In addition, we connect YouTube, Instagram, and the official website together to attract customers not only through YouTube but also through Instagram.

 I hope this will bring more people to the store.

Hello, we have other project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

We also have a similar genre returned from isekai but has different MC's characteristic. The story is punishing someone who troll in SNS, someone who cheat and many more. You can find out in => [Link]

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