Saturday, January 13, 2024 @

Volume 1 Chapter 53 Things Are Starting To Feel A Bit Strange, Or Maybe It's Just In My Head? Well, Life At School Seems The Same

Volume 1 Chapter 53 Things Are Starting To Feel A Bit Strange, Or Maybe It's Just In My Head? Well, Life At School Seems The Same

Summary of the previous chapter: Haga seems to be like me, someone who came back to the past in a different way, and it seems we were sent by a Firebird.

 The morning after Haga attacked me, I woke up feeling uneasy.

 The room seems darker than usual.

 Why is that? When I opened the curtain, I found out why.

 My house is a single-family house, and my room is on the second floor, next to a monthly parking lot. However, a new house has been built there.

 It's also a two-story building, so the morning sun is blocked by it, making everything darker.

 I used to think the next door was a parking lot, but now that I think about it, around February or March, it seemed like construction had started.

 If it's a pre-made house from a company like Sekisui Home or Toyota Home, the house should be built within 1.5 to 2 months from the start of construction.

 But I was curious, so I asked my mother during breakfast.

 "Mom, wasn't the space next to our house a place for cars to park?"

 When I asked, my mother smiled sadly.

 "Yes, it used to be a place for cars to park, but didn't they start building something there around the end of February?"

 "Now that you mention it, they've been getting rid of places for cars to park around here and building more houses, right?"

 "It seems so."

 It looks like the space that used to be a place for cars to park monthly has been changed to a place where you pay each time you park (coin parking lots), and they are building more houses where you used to pay each time you parked.

 Now, there are more apartments and houses with spaces for cars, and because more people don't have cars, places for cars to park are not as good for making money. It seems that selling houses built in those spaces is also good for taxes.

 coin parking lots are also too competitive and not very good for making money.

 But could this be because of something the Firebird did?

 And when I casually watched the news on TV, I almost couldn't stop myself from laughing.

 "Today, the Polygamy Law, also known as the Harem Law, has been put into effect. The Japanese government passed this law forcefully as a way to address the declining birth rate that cannot be controlled. However, Japanese men under the age of 25 are allowed to have up to four wives publicly, and if there are valid reasons, they can have five or more wives. There are different opinions about this law."

 Well, of course, there will be advantages and disadvantages.

 "At this time, families who are married and under the age of 25 will receive a monthly payment of 100,000 yen per person. Of course, in that situation, there will be observations and interviews done by social workers, and there will be severe punishments for having affairs outside of marriage."

 A payment of 100,000 yen per person? Is that really true?

 So, basically, it means that it's better to get married than to cheat on your spouse.

 "Furthermore, when having multiple wives, the agreement of each wife is necessary. Also, any form of treating each wife differently is strictly forbidden. The living space must be exactly the same. Any differences in the time spent together or the meals provided are not allowed. If any discrimination happens and one of the wives complains to the court, the husband will be responsible for divorcing that wife and for providing compensation and child support payments."

 Oh, so this is something called the harem marriage system from Islam, and it has been brought to Japan?

 Previously, there was a payment of 300,000 yen for families who have a combined income of less than 3.4 million yen and both spouses are under 34 years old, but it hasn't been very effective. Maybe they have made some significant improvements...

 Anyway, when you hear the term 'harem,' it may sound like a dream come true for men and like women are being treated poorly, but in reality, it's not like that.

 As someone who used to work at adult entertainment, I understand that well. If you have many women, you have to try to treat them as equally as possible, and that can be very challenging.

 So, in countries where having multiple spouses is allowed by law, like some Islamic countries in the Middle East, or in countries where having multiple spouses is illegal but not considered a crime, like Myanmar and Russia, it seems that only a small percentage, around 10% at most and an average of about 3%, actually have multiple wives.

 Well, it is true that the first wife who was married first is considered the most important, but when the husband wants to marry a second wife, he must ask for permission from the first wife.

 However, it seems that just because you don't like it doesn't necessarily mean you can refuse it.

 Also, not only do you have to give each wife a house of the same size, but when eating out, the food must also be divided equally. And if you stay overnight at the second wife's house, you must also stay overnight with the first wife for the same amount of time. So, many men find it difficult to deal with the first wife, which is why they choose not to have a second wife.

 Besides, when you hear about having multiple wives, it may seem like it's unfair to women, but in reality, it can be a more challenging system for men.

 On the other hand, in countries like the United States, conservative feminists, who are wealthy housewives, and involuntary celibates (misogyny), who dislike women, both argue for keeping the traditional morals of having only one spouse.

 "In response to this law, the government has also expressed its support for relationships among male students in university and high school."

 Hey, hey... Is the Japanese government being serious and reasonable?

 Well, even though these things happened early in the morning, I still go to school as usual.

 And even though the harem law has been put into action, the town doesn't seem to have changed much, and there hasn't been a noticeable increase in men dating multiple women.

 When I got to class, I greeted everyone in the usual way and then said hello to the regular group of people who were gathered.

 "Good morning, Saikachi-san, Shinonome-san, Namiki-san, Nakagaito-san, Shibata-san, Hirose-kun, Gouriki-kun. Was anything special yesterday?"

 I asked, and Saikachi-san nodded and replied,

 "No, nothing really happened to me, especially since my mom came to pick me up."

 Hmm, it seems that showing the threatening letter to the family, getting picked up by family, and going home by car are still happening.

 However, Haga, who should have been in the front seat, is nowhere to be seen, and nobody in the group seems to be worried about the absence.

 Incidentally, I feel like the way my female classmates look at me is strangely warm, even though I'm just doing the same things as usual...

 But what's bothering me a little is that the girl who sits next to me used to have a hard-to-pronounce last name like Saikachi-san or Shinonome-san.

 Honestly, we never talked or anything, so I can't really remember her, but I think her name was something simpler like Saito or Shindo.

 I wonder if I'm really repeating the same past as before, but at least there's no harem law established.

 Could it be that Haga and I are making big changes in this past world?

 Does that phoenix-like thing have a purpose and want us to fulfill it?

 In a world where all humans have died and even becoming a thing without a body is not allowed to vanish, it seems like someone was forced to recreate humanity over a period of more than 5 billion years... but that can't be true, right?

 Anyway, yesterday, there was a problem with a threatening letter, so I missed the home economics club activities. Now, I need to make up for it by catching up on my studies.

 "Saikachi-san, Shinonome-san, did you manage to study when you got home yesterday?"

 When I asked that, Shinonome-san replied,

 "It's impossible, right?"

 "Well, yeah, I suppose so."

 Seeing Saikachi-san smile sadly, I realized it wasn't the right time for that.

 "If that's the case, how about Saikachi-san and Shinonome-san joining the study group for video filming on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Maybe even Shibata-san, Hirose-kun, and Gouriki-kun too."

 When I said that, Shibata-san seemed surprised and asked,

 "Can I also join the study group?"

 "Even if more people join, it probably won't make much difference in the effort. Actually, I think studying will progress better if those who are good at a subject help those who struggle."

 "In that case, I would like to join as well."

 Gouriki-kun said,

 "Me too."

 But Hirose-kun said,

 "Sorry, I have cram school, so I can't."

 Then, he said with a wry smile,

 "And I don't have the courage to go there, after all."

 And I told everyone,

 "Well, after the study session, can you ask your family to pick you up, just like you did yesterday? I think it's probably just a joke, but who knows."

 In reality, Haga, who wrote the threatening letter, has disappeared, and it seems like his existence was never real, so it will probably just end as someone's joke with nothing happening.

 The childhood friend who was hurt by Haga, with Haga's disappearance, the fact itself has disappeared, and she is probably living a peaceful life now.

 Probably, though.

Hello, we have other project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

We also have a similar genre returned from isekai but has different MC's characteristic. The story is punishing someone who troll in SNS, someone who cheat and many more. You can find out in => [Link]

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