Saturday, April 20, 2024 @

Chapter 176 Princess Tiger Strikes and Destroys Enemy Base

Chapter 176 Princess Tiger Strikes And Destroys Enemy Base

 "Hey, Berberi-san."

 One of Maya-chan's servants, a ninja from the Cat-people clan, right? I address Berberiguru-san.

 "Yes, what can I do for you?"

 He responds to my call, which makes me happy. I'd like to talk to him, even though I'll get scolded by Rosalier-san for it. But maybe I'll give it a try. It's easier to ask a guy, you know?

 "Our scent, including mother's, is pretty obvious to the enemy this time."

 "Yes, it's quite obvious."

 Yeah, because the enemies are Beastmen, part Wolf-Human race.

 "So... that means..."

 "I believe it's causing quite a commotion."

 "Whoa. So, how many people are still here?"

 "Well, it's an estimate, but it's around a hundred people."

 "I see. So, there were 100 people in the royal family and the upper-class nobles, along with their entourage. And 1000 people were supporting them. No wonder they ended up broke."

 "Yeah, exactly. Failing to manage the country, that's what it's all about. It's like a repeat of Daioraden."

 Mother shrugged with a sigh of exasperation. "Oh, goodness."

 Indeed, the remaining numbers were similar to Daioraden. Environmentally, it's even worse here, so... hmm... I shouldn't dwell on it too much. I don't want to worry Maya-chan again or get scolded by Rosalier-san.

 "Thank you for your sharp opinion, Mother."

 "You're welcome."

 "Maya doesn't really get it..."

 "Even though you should."


 If someone as smart as Maya-chan doesn't understand, then there's no way I would, right?

 After that, we're walking around the town for about twenty minutes. Seriously, there was nobody there. The dark environment and the freedom from Oso (Dreadful element) poison. It's like tipping the scales, isn't it?

 "Now, it's 100 to 2. Can you handle it, Maya-kun?"

 "If I have big brother, I'll be fine, mother."

 In that other world, when we were playing the MMO game. Compared to when we took on the 'endless spawning monster box' together, yeah, we definitely have the numbers advantage, but is it enough? That's the question.

 "Okay, Mother, Maya-chan, drink this."

 "What's this? Oh, it's mana tea."

 "Yeah, it's sweet and tasty, right?"

 While they're drinking, I'll cast 'Mana Recover'.

 "Wow, this is like being in a full buff state."

 "What does that mean?"

 "It means no matter how much mana you use, it'll recover quickly. Here you go, Mother."

 "I see, that's reassuring."

 So, Tigerman (Kojinzoku) have this special ability where they use mana to boost their physical abilities. Imagine if Mother got this power-up, what would happen? It's crazy to think about.

 "Look, they're coming out. Let's go."


 We see a bunch of knights. They all look ready to fight with their swords and spears.

 "—'Air Cutter'!"



 Maya-chan's right hand gets swiped sideways, like a wrestling move. It reminds me of a fight we had in Daioraden.

 Heads flying, bodies split in half. About five guys who were charging at us are now just lifeless bodies on the ground...

 That attack was probably the lowest level wind magic. At first, it shouldn't have been that powerful, so she must have leveled it up a lot.


 "This is from 'that time.' It's really reassuring."

 Mother is patting Maya-chan's head. She seems to like it.

 "It's not 'tehe', is it? Ah, already. Oh, Berberi-san and the others are already moving. Oh no, the people who came from over there are hesitating..."

 They're flipping over and tying up the opposite party. I did instruct that in the meeting, but nobody should have seen my resurrection spell before.

 "I'll go after the work. You two can go ahead."

 "Yeah, please."

 "Please, big brother."

 "Yeah, Maya-chan. Make sure not to die by mistake. If you do, I'll take a picture and save it on my phone, okay?"

 "I don't like that... Let's try not to die. Alright, let's go, Mother."

 "Yeah, Maya-kun."

 They walk briskly. Their figure is like the main character in a hack-and-slash game, a split-screen for two players.

 "Sorry, Jam-san. Our destructive god..."

 "Oh no, I've heard about this before."

 "Ah, there, don't mix that up. Keep them apart like that. It's scary when they fuse together."

 "Fusion, you say—"


 The two halves of the body connected together as if rewinding a clock.

 "Wow, so this is it, huh? I've never seen anything like this before. It's really fascinating."

 "Yes, indeed. Well then, I'll go after Maya-sama."

 "Please do. Berberi-san."

 "Of course."

 Crouching down, I kept repeating 'Resurrect' and followed the two. Even if something were to happen, it should be fine, but it's still not a pleasant feeling.

 As I chased after them, someone dressed like Berberi-san led me to the royal castle. As we entered the corridor, corpses were everywhere. The black-clad figures were bustling around busily.

 "Tatsuma-sama, they're over here."

 "Just a moment, I need to handle things within my sight, or it'll be troublesome later."

 Berberiguru-san was waiting. Following his lead, I encountered a scene of carnage as expected. Just like he said, I started casting 'Resurrect' spell. I decided to leave the invisible areas for later.

 We climbed up and down the complex stairs. Along the way, we encountered destroyed objects and 'Resurrected' until we finally arrived at a small large hall. Probably used for audiences or something? It had luxurious furnishings, ceiling, and flooring.

 There were only two people standing there. Our destructive god, Mother, and Maya-chan.

 "Not much of a big deal, huh?"

 "Well, that's what happens if you let your guard down."

 Both of them were shining. I could feel the sense of accomplishment radiating from them.

 Mother's pure white combat dress was stained with blood, so much so that there were few white parts left. From a distance, it looked like a design with rose petals scattered on a white ground.

 Maya-chan looks satisfied even though she's usually distant, so she probably didn't get dirty. I wonder how much slashing they did. Both of them seem scary.

 I think about 50 people were revived before coming here. If we include the ones I can't see, maybe around 60 to 70 people. I'm not sure if there was a meeting going on, but there seem to be about 30 people. According to Berberiguru-san's report, if that many were left, it would make sense, right?

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