Wednesday, May 22, 2024 @

Chapter 54 A New Beginning and an End

Chapter 54 A New Beginning And An End

 "Adel-sama, ...Adel-sama. Please wake up."


 At the Silver Apple Inn.

 I was shaken awake from my daze by Maia, pulling me back to reality.

 "Adel, good morning."

 "Oh, good morning, Teti."

 I petted Teti's head as she greeted me with a wagging tail, then stretched widely.

 It seemed I had fallen asleep due to yesterday's "work."

 ――It had been a few days since the battle at the royal palace.

 The black mist that had attacked the capital had cleared, and we were gradually returning to our daily lives.

 Fortunately, by destroying the source right after defeating Marc, the citizens of the capital were unharmed.

 The group of monsters that had been attacking the city was successfully repelled by Lilyna, Reisha, Fran, and the adventurers.

 Despite the chaos, there were no casualties.

 Today, after this, we were going to have a dinner party with people related to my (Silver Apple Inn).

 It all started when Maia said, "Let's invite everyone! It's always more fun with a lively crowd!"

 Well, things have been pretty hectic since then, so it might be nice to take a break once in a while.

 As I thought about that, I bit into an apple to wake myself up.


 The first to arrive was Fran, the informant.

 "Welcome, Fran-chan."


 "Hello, Maia-san. And Teti too."

 Fran said as she ruffled Teti's head.

 "Adel-san, long time no see."

 "It's not like it's been that long. You come over all the time."

 "Oh, come on. That's just my way of showing affection."

 Fran still casually drops by the Silver Apple Inn just to eat, so it's not really that unusual.

 After the incident in the capital, Fran sarcastically remarked, 'Finally free from the intense royal investigation duties,' but happily accepted some meal vouchers when handed to her.

 "Hello! I brought flowers again today."

 Next to arrive was Marie from the flower shop.

 This was also not uncommon.

 She brings flowers once a week and leaves them here.

 It's thoughtful, but the tavern is starting to get overrun with flowers.

 Maybe it's time to seriously consider working part-time at the flower shop.

 "Hey, Marie. It's nice of you to deliver flowers, but I think it's time for a drink. I believe I've received enough payment for the requests."

 "Oh...? But Maia-san said she still wants more?""

 Upon being answered like that, I glanced at Maia, but Maia pretended not to notice and said, "I have to wipe the table" before running away.

 "Haha... But, it's not really a burden. I'm actually happy to be able to come to the tavern like this."

 "Well, in moderation, I suppose..."

 "Hello. I'm intruding."

 "Oh, Reisha. The children are here too, you come often."

 Reisha came from Ranul Village.

 With the children from the orphanage, the tavern suddenly became lively.

 "How's it going? Is the establishment of the orphanage going well?"

 "Yes. There are many challenges, but it's all thanks to you. Thank you so much."

 Reisha had decided to establish a new orphanage in Ranul Village.

 It seems that the village head and the villagers are cooperating.

 Reisha said, "Even if the place changes, I can't let the prince's rescue go to waste," expressing such sentiments.

 "Hello, Adel-san and everyone."

 Coming over saying that were Lilyna, along with her little brother and sisters.

 It seems that Lilyna is still energetically active, not only as the lord of Ranul Village but also taking on the management of other villages.

 Utilizing her taming ability, she has become more active in trading as well.

 "I finally managed to bring my younger siblings here, Adel-san. Thank you for inviting us."

 "Oh, that's right."

 I remember that when I was about to leave after receiving a request from Lilyna, I said, "Once things settle down, bring your younger siblings to the tavern for a meal."

 It didn't feel like it was that long ago, but it brought back a strong sense of nostalgia.

* * *

 "Well then, cheers!"

 Fran energetically led the toast, and everyone started to enjoy their meal.

 After that, adventurers who had cooperated in the defense of the capital city came to the tavern, making it lively and bustling.

 After a while, Fran, as usual, rudely sat at the counter and started talking.

 "Wow, it's the first time I've seen so many people in this tavern."

 "Hey, Maia. You don't have to serve Fran anymore."

 "Aww, just kidding, Adel-san!"

 As we exchanged words like that, Maia smiled.

 "So, how is it going? Are you able to identify the nobles who are resisting?"

 "Hehe. Fran is a skilled informant. This is a piece of cake compared to the investigation of the royal family back then."

 Saying so, Fran handed me a parchment with the names of the nobles on it.

 Since the incident at the royal palace, some things have changed.

 It was revealed that the incident was the work of the royal family, and the people rose up in revolt.

 Well, I had been laying the groundwork through Fran for that incident.

 As a result, my brothers, who were the remaining power holders, were also implicated and imprisoned, leading to the dismantling of the Vandale royal family.

 And now, this country is trying to be reborn as a republic.

 "But still, was that a good choice? Fran thought it wouldn't be bad for Adel-san to step up and become king."

 "I don't plan on returning to being royalty now. I feel more comfortable this way."

 "Oh, I see. Maia-san would be happy about that."

 "Maia...? Why?"

 "Oh, it's nothing."

 With that, Fran cut off the conversation and ran towards the table where everyone was sitting.

 With the change in the country's system, there were many problems to deal with.

 Nobles who were close to the royal family and those who had benefited from them voiced their opposition. There are still those who scheme behind the scenes even now.

 That's why there was never a shortage of clients for my job as a (revenge agency).

 And there are still many people suffering from the unreasonableness spread by others.

 In any era, there seems to be no end to unreasonableness.

 As I pondered on this, Maia and Teti arrived.

 "Adel-sama. Once again, thank you very much for your hard work."

 "Thank you both. It's thanks to you two that the situation was resolved smoothly."

 "Haha. It makes me happy to hear that from Adel."

 As we chatted, Teti suddenly spoke with a serious expression.

 "Hey. Maia and I have something we want to tell Adel."

 "Something to tell me?"

 "I still want to be with Adel. It's not just about repaying a debt, I genuinely want to be with you."

 Saying this, Teti looked straight up with sincere eyes.

 "I feel the same way. Our previous promise still stands. I will always follow Adel-sama."

 Maia shook her silver hair and reaffirmed as if confirming something.

 Thinking back, a lot has happened since I met Maia.

 I reminisce about the past and convey my feelings to the two people with me now.

 "Oh, I should be the one saying that. Let's continue to get along in the future."

 Feeling a bit embarrassed, I take an apple from the basket beside me and bite into it.

 As the two of them laugh at me, the door of the tavern opens.

 "Um, excuse me. Is this the Silver Apple Inn...?"

 Standing there was a woman wearing a hood.

 Maia rushes over to greet her.

 "Oh, I'm sorry. Today is reserved――"

 "I am Princess Cress Rune Gaia from the neighboring country of Rune Gaia. I have come with a request for the Black-Robed Executor."

 I overheard the woman whispering to Maia.

 It seems like the work of the Black-Robed Executor is going to get busier.

 Well, I wonder which jerk will be next.

 I put the remaining apple in my mouth and headed towards a new client.

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