Wednesday, May 22, 2024 @

Chapter 56 The Expelled Member of the Hero Party

Chapter 56 The Expelled Member Of The Hero Party


 I heard Maia's voice as she called out to put up the sign near the entrance.

 It seems like the first customers of the day have arrived.

 "Hahaha! How lucky to have the place all to ourselves."

 As I turned my gaze, those words were spoken by the man at the front.

 It was clearly a sarcastic remark towards our tavern.

 Teti, who was near me, seemed somewhat dissatisfied, with her ears standing straight up.

 And as I watched the man who entered the shop, I suddenly remembered.

 ――This guy, I'm sure...

 Despite his smart appearance, he had an arrogant attitude.


 It was the figure of the hero, Ibur Reynas, whom I had an audience with King Charles two years ago when I was at the royal palace.


 Well, he's here as a customer, so I should just greet him normally.

 I placed my hand on Teti's head and then walked towards the group of Hero Ibur.

 "Sorry about that. It's still early after opening."

 "Oh, are you the master? Quickly bring me some alcohol. I've got something annoying me."

 It seems like he hasn't noticed me yet.

 Well, I was just in the corner during the audience, so it's natural.

 "Moreover, this tavern is full of flowers. Lacking in taste, huh."

 Ibur muttered on his way to the table he was led to.

 Maia seemed to be holding back somehow... though there were veins popping on her smiling face.

 "Um, excuse me."

 "Hm? Oh."

 A boy carrying a heavy load bowed slightly as he walked over.

 He was the boy who had been scolded during the audience, if I remember correctly.

 "Hey Mars, hurry up and come over!"


 Urged by Ibur, the boy called Mars hurriedly headed towards the table.

 I followed the boy's movements with my eyes, then met eyes with Maia who had finished guiding and returned.


 "Oh, yes. That gesture seems to belong to someone with considerable skill."

 "Let's see. It seems like Mars has a low position within their group."

 As I watched Mars, who had just joined the table, being nudged by Ibur, I had a conversation with Maia.

 It seems like Mars is being made to carry luggage, but he feels more like a skilled person rather than the hero.

 "I'm curious, but first, please serve the customers normally."

 "Understood, Adel-sama."

 "Yeah, got it."

 Maia and Teti nodded in response to my words.

 After that, the hero Ibur started drinking, and it was a while later when this happened.

 "Man! I was supposed to receive a reward from the king, but it completely fell through!"

 Ibur slammed his cup on the table and shouted in frustration.

 From what I heard, even though he was ordered by my father Charles to travel to various countries, upon returning, he found out that the royal family had been dismantled.

 Unable to receive the money he thought he would get, Ibur seems to be exploding with dissatisfaction.

 "If you had been useful in battle, we could have returned much earlier. It's your fault we didn't get any reward, Mars!"


 It seems like Ibur's dissatisfaction is directed towards a boy named Mars.

 The other comrades sitting at the table neither reprimand Ibur nor defend Mars.

 A warrior-like man laughs heartily in agreement with Ibur, while a magician-like girl silently focuses on her meal in front of her.

 "Geez. I'm the hero recognized by this holy sword. I made a move, so they better give me the appropriate compensation."


 Saying that, Ibur draws the sword he had on his back and gazes at it intently.

 ――Is that the holy sword said to be wielded by a hero?

 The sword Ibur is holding is enveloped in a divine light on its blade.

 It does indeed seem to possess a power different from a regular sword, but...


 I was more concerned about Mars standing silently next to Ibur, proudly holding the holy sword.

 "Hey, Ibur. That thing you've been talking about for a while now. Isn't it about time?"

 "...Yeah, I guess so. With the new member settled in, it might be a good time."


 A warrior-like man said, and Ibur smiled uncomfortably as if remembering something.

 Mars, sitting next to them, looked puzzled, not understanding the meaning of their exchange.

 "Hey, Mars. There's something I need to tell you."

 Ibur turned to Mars and began.

 "You're expelled. Get out of this party!!"

 Ibur declared in a very authoritative tone.


 Hero, that's not okay in front of Adel...

 Actually, Lilyna, the client from Episode 2, briefly mentioned the Hero's Holy Sword. It would be amazing if any readers remembered that (^_^;)

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