“Yes, desu~no!”
Urza jumps at the
sound of my voice, and rushes back to me.
She holds her
Kanabō in front of her chest, preparing for the mysterious assailant, whom we
don't know where they are.
At the time the
nobleman was killed, I felt no sign of an attack.
It was not only
me, who was unaccustomed to such a rough situation, but even Urza, who was
supposed to be a fighter, felt the same way.
I looked around
cautiously, and then a slender figure appeared from behind a building in front
of us.
“Don't be
alarmed, Zenon Baskerville-sama”
A slender woman
with long purplish hair hanging down her back appears.
She was wearing a
black mask from the nose down and a black robe like a ninja.
“Who are you?”
“I'm afraid I
can't tell my name. But... don't worry. I work for your father. I'm a member of
the Baskerville family assassination squad”
“My father's...!”
The woman may
have been trying to reassure me, but her words made me more cautious.
How could I feel
safe when she told me that she was my father's subordinate?
“...What do my
father's people want? Don't tell me he sent you to keep an eye on me?”
“No, I was
watching over Zenon-sama at the request of my companion, Leybold, who is in
charge of the auction”
“Leybold...? Why
is he doing this?”
I thought of a
well-dressed slaver and asked suspiciously.
“It's not
uncommon for big clients to be robbed on their way home from the auction.
That's why guards like me go with our customers to keep them away from robbers”
“I see...”
That was an explanation
that made sense to me.
Auctions were a
highly entertaining way to purchase goods, but at the same time, there was a
risk that one's financial power would be revealed to other people.
Buying expensive
slaves without an escort, as I did, would be like asking a robber to attack me.
“However, it
seems that there was no need for an escort. Indeed, you are the heir of the
Baskerville family. I am sure that the future of this family is secure”
I am silent with
a complicated look on my face.
It's nice to be
recognized by someone who's obviously a skilled fighter, but it's not fun to be
regarded as the heir to my father's throne.
But for now, I
put my hand on Urza's shoulder and quickly try to leave.
“I'm leaving. I
don't need an escort from here on”
“Please be
careful. And do not worry, we'll take care of the bodies”
“...Let's go,
“Eh, uh, yes, desu~no”
Urza looks back
at the woman clad in black and follows me.
As I was about to
leave, I heard her gentle voice on my back.
“I look forward
to seeing you again. The heir of ‘the Baskerville’”
* * *
As I return to
the mansion with Urza, I am greeted by a servant.
I order the maid
to give Urza a bath and go back to my room.
I lie on the bed
on my back and let out a heavy sigh toward the ceiling.
It's only been a
couple of weeks since I came to this world, but today I killed a human for the
first time.
I have no regrets
because I think it was necessary.
But it's crazy to
think that I can tolerate murder without resistance because it was necessary.
“...Was I such a
brutal person? Or am I influenced by Zenon's body after all?”
It is
understandable that Urza, who was born as a warrior, can kill people without
However, I was an
ordinary worker in Japan until the other day.
And yet, I don't
feel guilty about killing people. What is wrong with me?
“Well... whatever
the reason, I should be happy about this. If I hesitate to kill people, I won't
be able to do it from now on”
Monsters are not
the only enemies in [DunBrave]. Sometimes the enemies are evil people who
believe in a demon king, or criminals such as bandits.
The fact that I
can kill them without hesitation is an advantage in battle. If anything, it is
better to accept it positively.
“After all that
has happened... now I have a partner I can rely on. I can finally explore the
dungeon properly”
No matter how
well I know the dungeon with the knowledge I have gained from the game, there
will always come a time when I will get stuck in the dungeon alone. But with
the help of Urza, my chances of survival have greatly increased.
If I had to say
so, I would have liked to have other magic and healing members. Two attackers
are too unbalanced.
“Well... I'll
leave that for later. I should look for more slaves. Or...”
The door was
opened with a bang.
And the one who
bursts through the door with the force of a kick is Urza, the slave I just
I burst out my
mouth at the sight of her.
Urza was
completely naked, and her whole body was drenched with water.
Even her white
hair was soaked, but without any hesitation, Urza hugged me.
“Uuuuu, my eyes
hurt, desu~nooo! The maid is bullying meee!”
“Wait, why are
you hugging Obocchama in such a manner? Urza-san!”
Levienna, the
maid, came into the room after Urza. Levienna was not completely naked like
Urza, but she was dressed only in a towel wrapped around her naked body and her
long hair was tied up on her head.
Unlike the
slender Urza, Levienna had a very voluptuous body. Her half-naked figure was so
arousing that I could not take my eyes off her.
“I'm still
washing your head, you know? I have to wash off the bubbles!”
“Uuu, noo, my
eyes hurt... they hurt, desu~noo...!”
It seems that
Urza ran away while her head was being washed with soap.
Well, it is
impossible that the oni-jin race, which was living in the uncivilized
demi-human continent, has such a civilized thing as soap. So, she seemed to be
tormented by unknown pain and fear.
“Ahh... I'm also
getting wet”
I was soaked to
the skin, and my clothes were soaked by Urza, who was hugging me.
I tried to pull
Urza away from me, but her hands clutched my clothes tightly and wouldn't let
go. In the first place, she is an Oni-jin, and she is very strong. It would be
impossible to pull her away from me.
“It can't be
helped. Please take a bath too, Obocchama”
Levienna said
something outrageous. Judging from the situation, she probably didn't mean that
I will have to come in alone.
“Hmm...? Are you
embarrassed, by any chance? I mean, is it too late for you, Zenon-bocchama”
Levienna's eyes
turn black and white with a puzzled look on her face.
Judging from this
reaction, Zenon may have bathed with her on a daily basis. It would not be
surprising if they had a deeper relationship than that.
“Umm, o... okay.
It's a little early, but I'm going to take a bath”
determination, I stood up.
If I resisted too
much at this point, she would know that I was not the real Zenon Baskerville.
It is not that I
want to bathe with Levienna, but I need to keep her from knowing who I really
Now, while
holding Urza's body with my both hands, I leave the room somewhat nervously.
Levienna moves
ahead of me. But I suddenly catch a glimpse of her shapely butt under the towel
covering her naked body.
I shake my head
from the unprecedented tension and step into the changing room.
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