Wednesday, January 3, 2024 @

Volume 1 Chapter 19 Diabetic Patients Should Avoid Carbohydrates, Not Fats

Volume 1 Chapter 19 Diabetic Patients Should Avoid Carbohydrates, Not Fats

Summary of the previous chapter: The results of the examination revealed that the mother had diabetes.

 Now, the results of the specific health examination that the mother underwent revealed that she has diabetes, high blood pressure, and mild cataracts.

 This was probably the cause of her heart failure due to heat shock in the bath.

 In fact, I used to have diabetes and gout "before", so I know to some extent what kind of diet diabetes patients should follow.

 It's almost lunchtime, so let's have lunch while discussing what kind of menu to choose when dining out with my mother.

 "Mom, I'm hungry. How about having lunch at the Italian restaurant called Saidesuka over there?"

 "Well, let's have lunch outside today."

 Saidesuka (Side?) is an Italian family restaurant chain that offers a wide range of low-priced menus through thorough cost reduction, making it popular even among students who don't have much money.

 The main customer base is students and young people, and it is affectionately called "Side."

 "Mom doesn't eat at places like this, is it okay?"

 "Mom, you have a meat allergy and prefers Japanese food. But don't worry. I'll choose a menu that you can eat and is also good for diabetics."

 My mother makes dishes like hamburgers that I like, but she can't eat them because she is allergic to meat. However, it's comforting to know that she can tolerate it if it's mixed in as an extract.

 "Oh, that's reassuring."

 "For now, let's go inside the restaurant."


 Recently, there has been an increase in solo customers, so there are many types of tables in the restaurant.

 "Welcome, how many people are in your party?"

 "There are two of us."

 "Please write your name and the number of people on that paper over there, so we can wait for you."


 As a promise, I'll write "Freeza" as the name and "2" as the number of people.

 By the way, this is my first time doing something like this, including the "past," but I wanted to try it at least once.

 Eventually, our names were called.

 "Freeza-sama, we're ready for you, party of 2."

 "Well then, let's go, Dodoria-kun."

 "What are you talking about?"

 "Oh, I guess it didn't make sense to Mom. It's a reference to Dragon Ball, a manga where if you collect seven balls called Dragon Balls, you can have any wish granted."

 When I said that, my mother seemed a little angry.

 "You know, you shouldn't do things that would trouble the staff, right?"

 "Uh-oh, I got scolded. I'm sorry."

 Anyway, the two of us were guided to a two-person table where we could sit face-to-face.

 "Mom, you can't have meat, but eggs, dairy, shellfish like shrimp, and mollusks like squid and octopus are okay, right?"

 "Yes, that's fine."

 "Got it, so shall I place the order then?"

 I press the button to call the waiter.

 "Have you decided on your order?"

 "Yes, first, the large shrimp salad. With olive oil dressing. Also, escargot with sautéed spinach, pea salad, and fresh cheese and tomato salad. Please bring two small plates separately."

 As I place my order, the waiter enters it into the handheld terminal.

 "I'll have the Italian hamburger and focaccia, and also, mini rice."

 "What about the drink bar?"

 "Oh, in that case, both of us will take the drink bar."

 "I'll confirm your order."

 The waiter takes the handheld terminal to the kitchen to relay the order.

 "I'll get the drinks from the drink bar."

 "Yes, please do."

 Juices have a lot of sugar, so I go for oolong tea, and Mom sticks to green tea.

 "Here, Mom, this is for you."

 "Why green tea, though?"

 "Juices have a ton of sugar, and don't you put sugar in coffee and black tea? I wanted cold oolong tea, but I thought warm green tea would be better for you, so you don't get too cold."

 "Oh, thank you."

 Soon, salads are brought in.

 "Well, Mom, let's start eating."




 "So, Mom, you go ahead and eat first. I'll finish whatever is left."

 "Then, I'll portion out my share."

 Mom divides the salad bit by bit and starts eating.

 "And, I looked it up on my phone. Even with diabetes, you don't have to stress too much about what you eat. Of course, it's better to avoid too much sugar, but not eating enough is also bad. So, it seems like finding a balance is the key. So, I appreciate the way they serve vegetables and seaweed first because it seems to help maintain stable blood sugar levels. Oh, mom can't eat meat too, so I make sure to eat cheese and escargot instead. I choose a variety of spinach, lettuce, and beans, along with rice, for my mother's meal. It's better to avoid foods that are known to have a lot of AGEs, which are substances that are being studied as a cause of diabetic complications, such as cataracts. So, rice cooked at high temperature is better than bread baked at high temperature. It seems like it can also contribute to skin problems."

 When I said that, my mother laughed and said,

 "Yeah yeah, with this, it's hard to tell who's the parent."

 "Well, for me, my mother is the most important woman in the world."

 "Oh my, I'm glad you say that, but you shouldn't say things like that to other girls, you know?"

 "Because they might think I'm a mama's boy (mother-con)?"

 "That's right. And besides, normal girls can't compete with mother."

 "Is that so?"

 Well, certainly, I think I ended up idolizing and deifying my mother more than usual because I lost her "before."

 I might have been comparing women I dated or had s*xual relationships with to my mother.

 And, you know, there's no way any woman could surpass the idealized and fantastically beautified image of my mother.

 "So, Akihiro, it's about time you started to detach yourself from your mom. It's nice that you're starting to wear stylish clothes, though."

 "Did Mom actually want to dress me in stylish clothes?"

 "Yeah, that's right. But, you know..."

 "Ah, stop, stop. That's already confirmed as a dark history within me."

 "Okay, okay."

 "But getting back to the topic, people with diabetes are generally advised not to consume too much fat, and solid oil at room temperature isn't considered that great, but it seems to be okay in moderation. Although Mom couldn't eat it in the first place due to her allergies. And, surprisingly, it seems that taking in liquid oil might actually help prevent weight gain."

 "Oh, really?"

 "Yeah, that's why I chose olive oil dressing."

 "You think about various things."

 "Hehe, well, yeah."

 So, I tried to make sure my mother ate a balanced diet with a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals.

 I think it would be good for my mother to refer to this when she eats out in the future.

 Japanese cuisine has a strong image of being healthy, but dishes like plain soba noodles and tempura with kakiage are still unbalanced. Also, traditional Japanese food often uses a lot of sugar, so there are many things that are not suitable for people with diabetes to eat.

Hello, we have other project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

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