Thursday, January 4, 2024 @

Volume 1 Chapter 21 What Is Romance And Love? I Really Want To Know What Love Is While I'm Still In High School

Volume 1 Chapter 21 What Is Romance And Love? I Really Want To Know What Love Is While I'm Still In High School

Summary of the previous chapter: It feels great when you thoroughly clean your place.

 So, I did a deep cleaning of my house and everything is sparkling clean now.

 After that, while my mother was preparing dinner, I decided to take a bath and then relax in my room for a while.

 Doing laundry and ironing are also part of my routine, but since I work at a cosplay brothel where we always clean before and after opening hours, cleaning has become second nature to me.

 Working at a cosplay brothel has taught me various skills like household chores and communication.

 By the way, I wonder how many views our video with Nakagaito got?

 I turned on my computer to check it.

 And after checking, it looks like the video has reached 20,000 views.

 Of the 90% of videos uploaded to YouTube, 88% have less than a 1,000 views, 8% have between 1,000 and 10,000 views, and about 2.8% have between 10,000 and 100,000 views, so this is quite good.

 Well, the reason for the increase in views is largely due to Nakagaito's looks and style being quite good, but another reason is that when I was working at a certain type of adult entertainment establishment, I also worked as a photographer for the website and the photos used for customer selections. I'm accustomed to taking pictures and videos of girls because of that.

 When taking pictures of girls, it's important not to be too stiff and nervous, so I would relax them, have a conversation to ease the tension, and have them strike poses that would please the customers. I must have used that knowledge unintentionally.

 By doing so, Nakagaito appears in the video in an attractive, smiling manner, with good angles and appearance, which should increase the number of views.

 By the way, during those types of photo shoots, it's common to dress the girls in uniforms and gradually undress them until they're only wearing shorts.

 And even if I see girls dressed like that, it doesn't really excite me anymore.

 In fact, I don't get excited every time I see images on the website either.

 I guess it's just a professional hazard, but even now, if I were to see Nakagaito naked for some reason, I might not feel anything at all.

 Honestly, I think it's a bit strange, but I won't know what will happen until I actually experience that kind of situation.

 But I never used the name "Frieza-sama" at the Saidesuka restaurant before. So, I gave it a try, and it was surprisingly exciting.

 So maybe if I try something I've never done before, like experiencing something new with Nakagaito, I might be able to enjoy the thrill and excitement.

 Before, after losing my mother, I had the belief that nothing could match a mother's love, so I became somewhat sociopathic and couldn't understand things like romance or love.

 "Love is self-sacrifice, and infatuation is self-satisfaction. Love is genuine, infatuation is ulterior motives. Love is giving, infatuation is taking. Or, what do I have right now?"

 After going on a few dates and possibly having physical intimacy at a hotel, I thought that maybe love with that person would also be born. But, at least in my case, it wasn't like that.

 Perhaps love and infatuation are more emotional things.

 So, this time, I hope to figure out what that is during my high school life.

Hello, we have other project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

We also have a similar genre returned from isekai but has different MC's characteristic. The story is punishing someone who troll in SNS, someone who cheat and many more. You can find out in => [Link]

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