Tuesday, January 2, 2024 @

Volume 9 Chapter 17 Same Name As The Demon Lord

Volume 9 Chapter 17 Same Name As The Demon Lord

 I can't ask, and my voice won't come out. Right now, I'm just a bystander in history.

 Even without asking, the answer immediately came.

 As Lyla entered the wide room from the hallway, she headed straight to the balcony without hesitation.

 Looking up at the sky, the sun was already high, shining brightly.

 (This is—)

 At that moment, I became convinced of a certain fact.

 This is Earth, not Asteris.

 Asteris's sun has a distinctive circular shape. What's floating in the sky is unmistakably Earth's.

 But our gaze, mine and Lyla's, was not on the sun but on a man standing there.

 Long hair shining with iridescent colors in the light. Well-carved handsome face.

 Since I heard his name, the image was in my head.

 He turned towards us.

 "Lyla, you're late again. Did you oversleep again?"

 "Sorry. But isn't it impressive that I woke up at this hour?"

 "You probably had Iris wake you up."

 Yeah, that's right. I recognize this voice. I can't forget.


 I know a man with that name. Julius Roderest.

 The strongest demon lord I fought. The man in front of me looked exactly like Julius.

 But, it's not Julius himself. He was the demon lord of Asteris, and he didn't speak or laugh like this.

 Roderest's name was supposed to be inherited by successive demon lords.

 So, he, like Lyla, must be part of the lineage connected to Julius.

 But that's strange.

 Because the man in front of me is human. His appearance is almost the same as Julius, but the quality of the magic power I sense is human.

 ——It's no good. My head is starting to hurt.

 I don't even know if this really happened.

 For now, let's focus on listening to their conversation.

 Lyla and Roderest, together, were looking down at the city below.

 I expected it, but it's not the present. This is a castle or mansion of some height, and I could see the state of the city from the balcony.

 It's a city made of stone similar to this one. The streets are narrow, and people in similar clothes are coming and going. Clearly, there's no awareness of traffic by vehicles in this city.

 Hey, this era is way further ahead than I imagined. When and where is this?

 "Whenever I see it, it's a beautiful city."

 "That's true. Everyone is working hard and doing well. It's important if Saint doesn't oversleep."

 "If Glenn keeps quiet, that's enough. Saint wasn't something someone arbitrarily decided."

 "Regardless of who started it, once it's established, that becomes your name."

 Lyla is Saint. She's even more like Lisha and the others.

 And she called the man Glenn. His full name must be Glenn Roderest. Definitely not Julius.

 As I stare at Glenn's face, after a moment of silence, Lyla speaks.

 "——It's a good day for departure."

 "Yeah. Don't make such an uneasy face. It's the same as always. I'll be back in a couple of months."

 "I'm not worried about you. It's just that many people will die again."

 "That's true."

 Glenn nodded.

 "Is your heart aching?"

 "Yeah. Maybe I'll have one less side dish for breakfast."

 "Eat properly. It would be troublesome if you collapse."

 "I know. I don't want you to worry."

 Understanding that, Lyla pouted her lips as if sulking.

 Glenn was watching her while laughing. Like an older brother watching over his younger sister.

 "A few more times. If you fight a few more times, your magic will be complete. Our utopia is right there."

 "——Yeah, that's right."


 What's that about? It seems that Glenn is going to war, but I don't know who he's fighting.

 What I understand is that both Glenn and Lyla are magicians.

 When I thought about that, a voice came from the direction of the balcony door.

 "Lyla-sama, Roderest-sama, it's time."

 It was Iris's voice.

 She was inside the room without going out to the balcony.

 The mention of time means Glenn is going to war. I want a bit more information.

 Can't I interfere somehow?

 As soon as I thought that, my body suddenly floated in the air. Not Lyla, just me.

 Damn, time.

 If only I knew the memories of this time. But the three are getting further and further away.

 And so, as if being sucked into the sky, I returned to reality.

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