Friday, March 1, 2024 @

Chapter 27 Do I Have to Talk About It From There

Chapter 27 Do I Have To Talk About It From There

 Rosalia-san talks about it one by one, remembering the information she heard. The person she was talking to was a Daioraden nobleman, and the person she was present with when she received her request was the family's butler.

 The reason why the source of the information is reliable is because the butler was present. She was given an explanation at a small outbuilding on the outskirts of the mansion owned by the nobleman.

 It seems that the information that I escaped to the guild had also reached the client's ears. It wasn't like I was hiding, the official working for the royal castle (Nelliza-san) also told me that if I had the Space Attribute, I would have a job at the guild. There was a man who seemed to be an office worker, but he was the same guy who seemed to hate me.

 I'll never forget it. He seemed to hate me to the point that he was trying to remind me that I wasn't a hero. I believe there was also a record of the conversation at that time. So, even if I was in and out of the guild, I don't think it would be strange for someone to know about it.

 I was accused of 'murder.' That elderly man, whom I probably accidentally killed when I landed here with a three-point landing. I couldn't confirm it because I lost consciousness at that time, but it seemed like he was in the middle of treatment from what I heard.

 "Nelliza-san said I wasn't at fault――Oh, I see. So he was still alive then..."

 "Who is this Nelliza?"

 Oh? Are you a little angry? Why there? Oh, I guess so. It wouldn't be good to bring up another woman's name when I started talking.

 The name Nelliza-san might be something that immediately indicates a woman's name in this world, something common. That's why I, who am not popular, can't even show this kind of consideration...

 "Huh? No, she was in that royal castle... Ah, I have to speak from there?"

 "Ah, sorry about that. I decided to 'tentatively' trust you. So, I'll try to avoid keeping secrets, well, you know."

 "Yeah. When I first came to that country, I fell from the cliff due to an 'accident.' At that time, I ended up involving someone below. It was probably one of the influential people in that country."

 Yeah. Some of it may be misleading, but I don't think it's completely wrong.


 "I lost consciousness from the shock of falling, and when I woke up, the person who explained it to me was Nelliza-san, a female office worker from that country."

 "Yeah, I guess it was. It was my fault for doubting you."

 "Uh, yeah. So, I heard that there are people in that country who can use Healing Attribute magic, so I was told that I didn't have to worry about accidents. But it wasn't there, so I was able to get out early."

 "I see. I'm sorry I misunderstood. I was working as an assassin, only assassinating criminals. That's because I needed a lot of money to help my family."

 I see. The sinners Rosalia-san refers to are probably criminals. The person whom she assassinated was probably doing something like a bounty hunter. If that's the case, it would make sense if a "dead or alive" prize was put up for the bounty, like in a Western movie.

 "But, what I was seeking for those children, it was too expensive and out of reach. Neither me nor those children had time anymore. That was the moment. There was an urgent request, saying that they would pay the desired reward if it wasn't an impossible wish. So I accepted it——"

 So that was the request. The client wanted to get rid of me to the extent of accusing me of "murder". The phrase "dead or alive" meant that they didn't mind killing me, they just didn't want me to exist in this world. It must have had that much meaning.

 There were two conditions for the request. One was not to cause any trouble within Daioraden. The other was that if I were to be disposed of, it should be done outside the country, disguised as a thief. How much am I hated?

 According to the client's explanation, they didn't want to get involved with the adventurer's guild. I see, just as the manager of Daioraden (Risleyria-san) said, it would become a conflict between nations. It would be troublesome to be suspected. That must be the case.

 "But, I was a step too late, and those two were about to take Tatsuma in that place... If that had happened, the request itself would have been unexpectedly compromised. That's why I thought I'd be in trouble if you died. I couldn't think of anything else. I jumped into the lake and took Tatsuma to the other side, and somehow managed to pull you up there. Fortunately, Tatsuma regained consciousness. It wouldn't make sense if I didn't kill Tatsuma, so I helped you escape from that situation. I told them where you fled to, to pursue you. I made it seem like only I knew Tatsuma's whereabouts. Of course, I took care of those two after letting Tatsuma escape."

 That's what happened...

 "And so, Tatsuma. There's something only I can ask you..."

 "Okay. I'll help."

 "My village—eh? W-why?"

 She must have been surprised that I agreed without asking for a reason.

 "...Back then, you saved me, right? And to go to such lengths..."

 "That wasn't a kiss, it was because Tatsuma wasn't breathing, so I panicked and did that..."

 Well, I didn't really say anything about being embarrassed about kissing. I meant it in that way, you know. Oops, I think I might have said something bad.

 "Could you tell me more about the village?"

 "Oh, in that case, take a look at this finger."

 Rosalia-san raised her palm, lining up her fingers and showed both hands. I, as always, scooped up her hands like someone who comes to the guild often, and held them.

 "From the fingertips to the second joint—oh, huh?"

 Rosalia-san's back of the hand was tan as if she frequented a tanning salon, but her palm was slightly pale and had a healthy complexion like mine. Ah, I see. She probably wanted to show me the Oso (Dreadful element) poison. Did I do something bad? I mean, I probably cured it, but...

 "Sorry. That's my bad. Rosalia-san, you took the poison a second time, didn't you? I didn't want it to linger after being revived."

 Ugh, I don't know if she's angry or about to cry. She's glaring at me with half-teary eyes. And yet, she looks incredibly complex.


 Rosalia-san, as I thought she was looking down again, big tears start to fall on her hand as she holds my thumb.


 While letting out inaudible sobs, she started to cry, shaking her shoulders... I have no experience of being in a fulfilling relationship or even dating a girl, so I don't know what to do. That's why I kept holding Rosalia-san's hand.

 Finally, Rosalia-san stopped crying. I took out a spare towel from my inventory and handed it to her. I don't have the skills of an expert to wipe her eyes, so it's impossible.

 "T-Thank you..."

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