Saturday, March 2, 2024 @

Volume 3 Chapter 1 Signs Of A Large Number Of People Will Leave Begins (exile Side)

Volume 3 Chapter 1 Signs Of A Large Number Of People Will Leave Begins (Exile Side)

 It had been a week since meeting with the Guild Master of 'Shield of the Holy Emperor'.

 In that week, the environment surrounding 'Fang of the Beast King' had drastically changed.

 "What, forty people leaving just today! What's going on here!"**

 Glenda, one of the Vice Guild Masters and a middle-aged female swordsman, shouted.

 It was the first time seeing her so distraught, usually being overly confident.

 "Damn it, yesterday nearly forty people left too!? It's absurd that everyone is suddenly leaving here, hey!"

 The angry voice came from Cornelius, a warrior with a wild appearance.

 He seemed to have completely lost his composure as well.

 "You, you, you, you... What on earth is happening... Ugh, god... youuu...!"*

 Gale, the elderly monk, was trying to control his anger with a flushed face.

 He had been using unbecoming language towards the gods for some time now.

 And──Guild Master Barrios remained silent.

 But that didn't mean he was calm.

 In fact, quite the opposite.

 The rapid collapse of the guild had thrown his mind into a panic.

 To the point where he can't even think of words──.

 Ahhhhhh, What should I do? What should I do? What should I dooooooooo?

 His head is filled with confusion, impatience, and anxiety.


 "Master, the Guild Federation is here."

 "What about the Guild Federation?"

 The secretary came calling, and Barrios frowned.

 He had a bad feeling.

 In this situation, the Federation comes to 'Fang of the Beast King'──.

 "Status check, huh?"

 "Just checking is enough?"

 Glenda asks.

 "If our situation is known, and our 'Big 5' certification is revoked, it would be unfortunate..."

 "Unfortunately, we are currently operating at less than half our strength. We can't bear the burden of being part of the strongest guild..."

 Cornelius and Gale are also feeling discouraged.

 "Damn it, what should we do...!"

 Barrios clenches his teeth.

 He is dumbfounded, unable to think clearly.

 "N-No, not yet. We don't know what their intentions are. They might unexpectedly help us in our predicament..."

 Saying that, Barrios heads towards the Federation officials.

 "We have gathered information about your guild from several relevant agencies. Even our higher-ups believe that your guild's 'Big 5' certification should be revoked..."

 The words from the Federation representative shattered any faint hope.

We have a new work about protagonist who has been looped because of death. It's either of his death or the whole class wiped out. I hope you can read it on [Link]

We have a new work with genre second life. The story is about a former s*x worker who didn't want to be a loner again, and fulfilling his second life. It has a life conflict and the protagonist will solve it one by one. You can find out in => [Link]

We also have a new work with genre returned from isekai. The story is punishing someone who troll in SNS, someone who cheat and many more. You can find out in => [Link]

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