Sunday, March 3, 2024 @

Volume 3 Chapter 6 Clash Of The Executives (exile Side)

Volume 3 Chapter 6 Clash Of The Executives (Exile Side)

 "Damn it, they're excluding us from the 'Big 5'!?"

 Barrios shouted angrily.

 The anger still hasn't subsided.

 Although newly established, the 'Fang of the Beast King' has been recognized as one of the strongest adventurer guilds on the continent.

 To think that they would try to take away that position just because they stumbled a little――.

 "Those incompetent fools with no vision...!"


 Absolutely infuriating.

 The face of the man who caused all this――Rain, appeared in his mind.

 "It's all his fault..."

 A dark impulse welled up from deep within his chest.

 "I'll kill him――Rain."

 "W-Wait a minute. Assassination is going too far, isn't it?"

 Glenda spoke up.

 "Shut up! Because of him undoing the enhancements on our weapons and armor, we're going through something unimaginable. It's only natural that he should receive retribution."

 I'm going to kill you.

 Once the words were spoken, Barrios' impulse became even clearer.

 "It's all his fault...!"

 "Calm down, Barrios. You're clearly losing your composure."

 "Shut up!"

 Barrios didn't listen to Gale's reprimanding words.

 After finishing the meeting with the executives, Barrios immediately began preparations to arrange for an assassin.

 This guild also has connections with the Assassins' Guild.

 Make contact there. He thought.

 "Get me a skilled one. I'll pay whatever they ask for."

 "Understood. But the reward for that person will be quite high."

 "What do you think I am? I'm the Guild Master of the renowned 'Big Five.' Arrange for the top-notch assassin without worrying about money."

 "Hey, what are we going to do from here?"

 "Barrios has been acting strange lately."

 "I can't believe he's talking about killing Rain..."

 After parting ways with Barrios, the three vice Guild Masters spoke quietly.

 "I think Barrios is no good anymore."

 "Yeah, I think we should cut ties with him."

 "Maybe we should even leave this place."

 "It might be a good idea to look for a guild with better conditions."

 "Yeah, that's true."

 "Either way, it looks like we're going to have to leave from here..."

We have a new work about protagonist who has been looped because of death. It's either of his death or the whole class wiped out. I hope you can read it on [Link]

We have a new work with genre second life. The story is about a former s*x worker who didn't want to be a loner again, and fulfilling his second life. It has a life conflict and the protagonist will solve it one by one. You can find out in => [Link]

We also have a new work with genre returned from isekai. The story is punishing someone who troll in SNS, someone who cheat and many more. You can find out in => [Link]

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