Saturday, March 9, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 5 Barrios, Captured, Part Two (exiled Side)

Volume 5 Chapter 5 Barrios, Captured, Part Two (Exiled Side)

 (Why... why did the assassination get exposed!? Dammit, did that assassin betray me!? Dammit!!!!)

 During the journey to the capital, Barrios continued to be filled with anger.

 If the information about the assassination leaked, it must have come from the hired assassin.

 They messed up.

 And probably told Rain about the assassination.

 Including the fact that he is the client──.

 (What kind of professional assassin is that! What happened to strict confidentiality! What happened to professional pride!)

 ──Upon arriving at the capital, Barrios was brought before the king.

 Despite being the Master of the Adventurer's Guild, 'Fang of the Beast King' is one of the five strongest guilds on the continent.

 It seemed that the king himself would be present for the interrogation of Barrios.

 "N-No, there must be some mistake, Your Majesty! I absolutely did not plan any assassination!"

 In front of the king, Barrios spoke forcefully.

 "Thus, you are saying that you have no involvement in this attempted assassination."

 "That is correct, Your Majesty."

 "But there is a claim from the assassin themselves. How do you explain that?"

 "It's a fabrication!"

 "What if that person is telling the truth?"

 "That is not the case!"

 Barrios was desperate.

 The important thing was to maintain a dignified attitude.

 To avoid suspicion.

 The assassination request was made in a tavern, not in writing but orally.

 There should be no clear evidence left.

 Therefore, the king's impression will greatly influence Barrios' judgment.

 The king is made to believe that this person is not lying. So, he must be innocent.

 "I have examined multiple people, and it seems that the confession of the assassin themselves is credible."

 However, the king's attitude remains firm.

 "Furthermore... Although there is no solid evidence, the circumstantial evidence is also in place. There are eyewitness testimonies from the tavern where you were involved in dealings with the assassin."


 Barrios bit his lip.

 To think... he was being watched so closely.

 "Therefore, you will be imprisoned. If you insist on proclaiming your innocence, you must undergo interrogation."



 Those word plunged Barrios into darkness.

 This must be some kind of mistake.

 I am the leader of the strongest guild on the continent.

 To be locked up in a cell... such humiliation...

 "This is impossible... damn it, it's all... it's all Rain's fault!"

 Barrios trembled with frustration and anger for a long time.

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