Saturday, March 9, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 4 Barrios, Captured, Part One (exile Side)

Volume 5 Chapter 4 Barrios, Captured, Part One (Exile Side)

 "It's strange... no contact from that assassin..."

 Barrios was anxious.

 The other day, through the Assassin Guild, Barrios requested a job from a single assassin at a remote tavern.

 He, or maybe she, was said to be highly skilled, and Barrios hoped they would definitely kill Rain.

 However, since then, there has been no word.

 If the mission was successful, there would have been immediate contact, and if it failed, they would have contacted as well.

 Since the other person is a professional assassin, they wouldn't hide their own failures.

 Barrios specified an assassin with a high level of professionalism who would report things as they are and made the request.

 "And yet, what's happening... why haven't they sent any contact!"

 *Knock, knock,* the sound of someone knocking on the office interrupted Barrios' thoughts.

 "Who is it!"

 He couldn't help but shout.

 "Oh, you're in a bad mood, aren't you?"

 A woman's voice comes from the other side of the door.

 This is Glenda, one of the Vice Guild Masters.

 "Excuse me."

 Said Glenda as she entered the room.

 "Hey, Barrios. I've got something to talk about."


 "I'll join in too."

 "Me too."

 Followed by Cornelius and Gale.

 "What's this, three vice Guild Masters all together..."

 "Well, I was thinking of taking a break for a bit."

 "Me too (ore)."

 "Me too (washi)."

 "Everyone taking a break together?"

 Barrios frowned.

 "But we've been quite busy lately. There are only about a third of the adventurers we had a little while back."

 "And our Guild Rank demotion seems almost certain."

 "We've been working non-stop, so we really need to rest our bodies."

 The three of them spoke one after another.


 With that, there was no response.

 "It's only for a few days, so it's okay, right?"

 "Well... I suppose it's fine. But if possible, I'd like each of you to take turns resting at different times..."

 "Then we'll take turns resting. Thank you."

 "See you later."

 "Pardon me."

 They said nothing and quickly left the office.

 "What was that all about?"

 *Knock, knock*, came the sound of someone knocking on the door again.

 "What is it, Glenda and the others? Do you still have something to say?"

 "'Fang of the Beast King' Guild Master, Barrios-dono, is that correct?"

 The door opened, and several men entered.

 "What is it, all of you--?"

 "You are being accused of attempting to assassinate a former adventurer of this guild. Will you accompany us?"

 The men looked like guards.

 "W-What did you say!?"

 Barrios felt the blood drain from his body.

We have a new work about protagonist who has been looped because of death. It's either of his death or the whole class wiped out. I hope you can read it on [Link]

We have a new work with genre second life. The story is about a former s*x worker who didn't want to be a loner again, and fulfilling his second life. It has a life conflict and the protagonist will solve it one by one. You can find out in => [Link]

We also have a new work with genre returned from isekai. The story is punishing someone who troll in SNS, someone who cheat and many more. You can find out in => [Link]

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